
11 Jan


Sun rises southeast
early morning skies glow peach
leaves are breakfast flakes

Sun stares in my eyes
outlines bold on winter floors
crisp boxes of light

Rises in dazzle
flashes wicked black-ice wink
Far-off sirens wail

Southeast moon hangs low
ghostly lantern in the sky
Porch light’s on all day

Early afternoon
hums with planes, smells dryer sheets
dusk by 4 o’clock

Morning hoary walk
colors muted by night’s frost
world looks sugar-glazed

Skies deluge gray rain
some despairing call it SADs
downpour lasts all night

Glow white, red, green, gold
twigs of alder, beech and oak
blossom through the night

Peach cobbler and tea
laughing friends beside the fire
outsmart winter wind

Leaves in bronze hedgerows
decompose in Michaud Park
under headstone sky

Are the mallards warm?
Waddle clumsy on the ice
huddle twos and threes

Breakfast chickadees
summersault pine twigs, while I
munch oranges and toast

Flakes of winter light
figure skaters drift and pair
Charcoal fades to white

©  2011 by Violet Nesdoly
This is an extended haiku. Each word  from the original haiku (first stanza) begins a stanza. Each stanza is in itself a haiku, containing approximately seventeen syllables.

Posted by on January 11, 2011 in Form poems, Haiku, Nature


6 responses to “Winter

  1. Ellen Olinger

    January 11, 2011 at 7:50 am

    I enjoyed reading your sequence! I had not heard of “extended haiku.”

    Thank you…


  2. vnesdoly

    January 11, 2011 at 9:06 am

    Thank you, Ellen! I’m in small poetry group and we chose writing an extended haiku as a prompt, patterned on something similar written by Barbara Pelman. It has its challenges!


  3. Mary Waind

    January 20, 2011 at 11:25 am

    This blows me away, Violet. I loved it without knowing about the poetic form – a very impressive accomplishment!


  4. vnesdoly

    January 20, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    Thanks, Mary! Actually, it’s just a lot of haiku strung together. The only rule was that the starting word of each stanza had to be the words in the first haiku, and in the order they appeared. I think some local poet just made up the form and we tried it as a prompt in our little poet’s group.


  5. Irene

    February 10, 2011 at 11:01 am

    I just discovered you had this poetry blog! (I read Line Upon Line) My 15 & 13 yr old and I are doing a poetry unit during February and I plan to have them explore this site as an example of recently written poetry and also to look at this particular example of extended haiku. I like the surprise of the starting word of each stanza being the words in the first haiku.


    • vnesdoly

      February 10, 2011 at 11:58 am

      Why thank you, Irene! So honoured that you’d have your kids study this blog. Hope you aren’t disappointed!



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